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Some school projects

cpp 3D graphical engine - repo ⇗

A simple engine to render 3D models.


cpp HumanGL - repo ⇗

The aim of this project was to use a hierarchy of matrices to make animations.

c Raytracing - repo ⇗

Group project : a 3D engine using raytracing.


c Corewar - repo ⇗

Group project : in this game, computer programs (called "Champions") compete in a virtual arena for memory supremacy. Champions are written in an Assembly dialect called "Redcode".


c Wolf3D game - repo ⇗

A game like Wolfeinstein3D or Doom, using raycasting.


c Fractals - repo ⇗

The famous Mandelbrot set, Julia set, and other fractals.


c Wireframe - repo ⇗

Isometric wireframe visualization of a topography. A basic project to introduce the use of a graphic library.
